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Category Archives: President’s Message

President’s Message

A cord of three strands is not quickly broken" is a verse often heard at weddings, but it holds meaningful value in our perspective of teamwork in construction. Read President Keith Brubacher's message about our company's commitment to collaboration and steering clear of the combat-construction habit that others in the industry may hold. See how successful teamwork is built on trust, transparency, and common goals.
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President’s Message

The reality is that everyone makes mistakes and how a person reacts when a mistake happens can leave a lasting impression on those around them. President Keith Brubacher shares a real-life story about making mistakes in the workplace and encourages individuals who make mistakes to respond appropriately by accepting their part in the incident, addressing the contributing factors, and asking themselves if their responses, questions, and actions demonstrate a personal commitment to growth in excellence.
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President’s Message

We are guilty. As an industry…at Brubacher…and yes, I am too. We have the refrain well-memorized in several variations. Those of us who have been in the construction industry for years can certainly recognize differences in our experiences or approach and what we observe in some newcomers today. I am not going to debate or minimize those generational differences, but there are just as many about which to be excited as to be concerned. I do know one thing for sure: our opportunity to lead effectively and be a positive influence on those joining our industry and our company is reduced every time we recite general statements about any generation, veteran or newcomer.
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President’s Message

We all experience life situations - both personal and in the workplace - that can add stress, distractions, difficulties, and more. President Keith Brubacher shares a memory from his days as a young Loader Operator and the importance of team members offering a listening ear and encouragement, especially in the construction industry. He also shares information on Brubacher's participation in Construction Suicide Prevention Week (coming up in September) to help bring further awareness to the roles we each play in strengthening Brubacher as a workplace where we are caring, honest, and helpful toward each other.
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President’s Message

Seven great hires from 1988 (a big year for rapidly-growing Brubacher Excavating) are honored in 2023 for their 35 years of service to our clients and growing team. Keith shares insight on the several traits they all have in common and reminds us that we can all be encouragers and offer a helping hand for others. Read more of Keith's message as we celebrate our 'Spectacular Seven!'
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President’s Message

How can some of the gifts least appreciated, when received, turn out to be the most valued and most useful in our lives? Keith shares insight on a gift he has come to value over the years and on gifts we can choose to give to others that can grow to be even more valuable over time. What will you give and receive within your sphere of influence this Christmas season?
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